Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I wanted to try to put some color in my hair and I did. I got a little trim and bangs and on the bottom I got some lighter color. I love it!

Girls Choice 2014!

The next Girls Choice dance is on February 8th and I'm supper excited. I asked Cole out. He had to follow the Rose Pattern Line and on the first sign stood "Do you want to build a Snowman?" And  than he had to go downstairs and this sign said "to go to Girls Choice with me?" After this he had to go in Carson's room and there was a girls name. When he turned around he saw the sign "you are in the wrong room go in your room" so he went to his room and there was my name with a rose and a heart with my name on it.

The answer was yes. He knocked on the door and run away. And when Sala opened the door she said Paulina? I think there is something for you. So I looked and there was the poster with Mountain Dews.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Years Eve!

I spent the New Years eve with the Wikstroms. At first I went with Cole to the church party and danced a little bit and than we went to Khaydens Party. Like 15 minutes before New Your we drove home because we wanted to play some fun games and we had a lot of fun.

Sunday, January 05, 2014


 I had my first accident yesterday. I was driving my bike to the basketball game from my boyfriend and I crossed the street by Kings. The traffic light said white (green) so I was going across the street. The car was turning left and hit me on my hip. I felt above my bike and landed on my knees and than on my face. The car driver went out and helped me up. He asked me if I was ok and I said no I'm not ok and I was crying. He just said sorry I didn't see you. I said are you kidding me? I went to the sidewalk and he just left. A nice woman stopped and asked me if I'm ok. Another woman came from a shop and she called the police. I had to go to the hospital, because they have to check me. I'm fine and I'm glad that it was not worse.

My knees are blue

I asked the policeman to take a picture! :)

My boyfriend gave me surprise! :)